A Letter to My 5th Grader Who’s Missing Important Milestones


To My Precious Daughter,

I know times are tough right now and you want to be in school more than anything. A break from classes and school was nice, but you’re ready to be back with your teachers and friends.

You’re my firstborn. We get to experience all of the firsts together with you. And this is definitely a first that we didn’t expect.

I know you were so looking forward to the end of the school year. Spring break at the beach instead of at home. Your last elementary school dance. Your last school carnival where I would be your Uber driver and ATM while you run off and have fun with your friends. Getting your last elementary school yearbook signed by everyone. Your 5th grade graduation.

I heard you on the phone with your friends the other day mentioning how you want to go back to school and all the things that you guys will miss out on. You also mentioned all the teachers you will miss next year.

And while it’s not like you are graduating high school, I know this is rough for you and your friends because most of you and your friends have been in this same school since kindergarten (some since daycare!). And now you are going to different middle schools in the fall.

I am thankful for the internet and things like Zoom and FaceTime so you and your friends can talk to each other while social distancing, and play online together. I thought it was even super sweet that you asked if I wanted to be on your Zoom call the other day with your tween BFFs. I’m also thankful for your teachers who have calls with your class and try to continue to engage with you remotely through fun scavenger hunts and other learning activities

Hang in there, kiddo! You’re such a strong person and always find joy in everything regardless of the situation. I know you’ll be fine, but I also know that it kinda stinks too. I want you to know that I love you and can’t wait to celebrate with all of your friends soon!

Until then, we will continue to make silly TikTok videos where I embarrass you with my awesome mom dancing moves, have in-home manicures, take funny pictures on our Polaroid Instax camera to commemorate this strange year and eat all the banana bread that we make.

Sorry, but still no Instagram until you’re 18! HA!


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Mee Jean Sasine
Mee Jean is a divorced mom of three amazing kids: Alyssa, (14), Jacob (12) and Isaac (7). She moved to Columbia in 2002 after graduating from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. Once wondering how she could live in a small town, she now embraces it and loves her home in Northeast Columbia. She is a Proposal Writer at HCSC and loves being involved in the community and making Columbia the best place for her kids to grow up in. Mee Jean loves going to local events and supporting businesses around the city. In her free time, she loves hanging out with her friends, reading, watching Georgia football, running races (whether it be 5ks or Spartans), taking pictures and making memories (lots of selfies and hashtags), shopping, relaxing with some wine by the pool and sleeping. 


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