Rebecca Jordan

Rebecca Jordan
Rebecca Jordan has lived in Columbia, SC practically her entire life! She attended the University of South Carolina Honors College and currently teaches fifth grade at Satchel Ford Elementary. She and her husband, Hampton, have two daughters, Elizabeth Ann (6) and Caroline (3), as well as their golden retriever, Sugar. When not working, Rebecca enjoys writing (obviously), cooking, reading and running. Her children have taught her more about love, joy, sadness, strength, stress and letting go than she could have ever thought possible.

Raising an Activist

Conversations with my six-year-old daughter typically range from the mind-numbing topics of “if you were a unicorn, what kind of unicorn would you be?” or “when was the first time you spelled the word...

Mirror, Mirror :: Self-Confidence by Proxy

Stick with me while I work through this. My oldest daughter is almost seven. Up until now, the issues she’s faced range from switching best friends, failing to receive the coveted “game ball”, or...

Lean In, Lean Out :: The Hokey Pokey of Working Motherhood

A few years ago, I read a quotation that said something to the effect of “working mothers are expected to work like they don’t have children, and mother like they don’t have to go...
Sparking JOMO | Columbia SC Moms Blog

Sparking JOMO

In the past, “FOMO” has been all the rage - the fear of missing out. This can mainly be attributed to the evolution of social media, or the whole “if a tree falls in...
A Cure for the Winter Blues | Columbia SC Moms Blog

A Cure for the Winter Blues

The holidays are over, the excitement of Christmas and the new year have subsided, and all we’re left to show for it are a few extra pounds, more clutter around the house, and the...

Engaging Activities You Can Do With Both a Preschooler and Infant

Here we sit, thick in the throes of summer. As parents, we are constantly attempting to create engaging activities for our children to pass the time. However, there are most certainly limitations when your kids are at...

What’s Your “Mom” Type?

My oldest daughter has finally gotten to the age where she is starting to develop a long-term memory. Which makes me think, I probably need to start getting my act together. Meaning, I need...

Are you Homemaking or Making a Home?

After almost 4 years of motherhood, the constant quest to “do it all” has finally lost its luster. My second child was born in June of last year, and needless to say the transition...

Lord Hear Our Prayer…. I’m a MOM

As a child and young adult I didn’t attend church much, if at all. That is not to say my family isn’t religious or even spiritual, my parents just never found a church that...

Who Are You… and What Happened to the Old Me?

Perhaps it comes with age, perhaps it comes with more responsibilities, and just plain “adulting,” but it feels as though the “old me” is just that – old and a thing of the past. Back...

No One is Cool at Disney World

Let me preface this by saying I have never actually considered myself cool prior to having children or making the pilgrimage to Disney World, but after returning from the "The Happiest Place on Earth"...

11 Reasons Why Parenting a 3-year-old is Just Like Taking Care of Your Drunk...

We've all been there. Out for a night of fun with your best friend, and one of you ends up "over-served." You do what you can to keep your pal happy, safe, healthy and...