Sarah Cain

Sarah Cain
Sarah has lived in Columbia since she was a kid, but it never felt like home until 2012 when she married her husband, David, and moved to Forest Acres. They met in 2010 when she was as a single mom, and have two children together, Hannah (age 4) and Titus (age 1), and Madison, (14). Sarah has a cosmetology degree, and is a part time stylist, while being a full time wife and mama. She has a deep desire to connect with other women, whatever season, to remind them they are not alone. She is a 'social' introvert, a deep thinker; who pays no attention to details, loves reading, but never finishes a book, she has a strong love for God's word, and despite her many flaws she desperately wants to be used to further the kingdom. She is a foodie, coffee drinking, wanna be perfectionist. She can identify with blended families, infertility, teenage parenting, and mental health issues.

Navigating the Twists and Turns of My Child’s Life That I Never Expected

In less than a week, I will have a high school graduate. I remember vividly bringing her home from the hospital, and experiencing that overwhelming high that only love in its most pure form...

How to Find Your Tribe

We live in a time where we are more connected than ever through the digital world. However, we can probably all agree that this is a paradox, and real, human connection outside your nuclear...

Soaking in the Summer Season

Erma Bombeck was a great author and columnist who once said, "If I had my life to live over again I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and...

Tips to Make Your Vacation Prep Easier This Summer

As the school year draws to a close and summer travel ramps up, kids and road trips can seem overwhelming and stressful; especially when it comes to packing/preparing.  It seems as though it never fails...

To All the Moms of Strong-Willed Children

For all my mamas of the strong-willed child... Put the backpack by the door and pick your shoes up off the floor. Put your dishes in the sink and make sure the dog has water to...

Dealing With Colic :: I Didn’t Sign up for The Unhappy Baby

After two difficult years of struggling with infertility, my husband and I were ecstatic over the arrival of our baby girl. We had visions of family walks and family game nights, our little angel...

Coping With My Last Baby Growing Up :: A Birthday Reflection

I know it's now May, but lately, I've been reflecting on the month of March. March has always been a month that represents new beginnings for me. The days gradually become longer as signs of...

Moms to see in the 803 :: Elizabeth (Liz) Fisher

It's been one year since Liz Fisher became a parent of six. For years she thought her family was complete with three children, but God had other plans.  In August of 2018, Liz's brother-in-law (the...

Celebrating Diversity and Differences :: A Conversation with Author Jessica Norwood

We are raising children in a time of extreme division and pressure. It can leave parents wondering what they can do to make difference with limited time, resources, and potentially lack of knowledge. I sat...

Back to School Blues :: Brought to You by COVID-19

It's 2 p.m. and I'm sitting on my back porch. That's right, I said sitting. It's one of those days I've decided to let the dishes pile up and use the ever sacred nap...

Leaving Home

As I type this I really should be packing, or logging into accounts and changing my address. Maybe securing power at our new house, or a million other little details that need to be...

Somewhere WAY Over the Rainbow

I am holding my little’s hand as we make our way to the entrance of the Pediatric ER, being careful not to squeeze too tightly as her little fingers are swollen, part of some...

Excuse Me While I Dream About My Parenting

I remember one of my first aspirations as a child was to become a mom. I have vivid memories of carrying around my favorite baby doll, Baby Emily, so often that her hair fell...
If I Could Take Another Ride With Grandma - Columbia Mom

If I Could Take Another Ride With Grandma

Did you know September 8 was Grandparents Day? I no longer have my grandparents, but I reflect back on my life as a child, and the immense blessing I had having my grandmother so...