Finding the Good in COVID-19


Life before COVID-19 was fine. It was “normal.”

We went to school and work each day. I often stayed at work much longer than I wanted or needed to. And, on the days when I picked up my daughter on time, we went somewhere – the zoo, Target, EdVenture, the library.

Often, I was still thinking about all of the things I (we) needed to do before the day ended.  And, by the time we got home, it was time to make dinner and start the rush to bath time and bedtime. We were busy…we were happy to be busy. It was just the way life was. 

Then, suddenly, it all came to a screeching halt…

At first, I tried to have a schedule. I framed it almost like how our days were before – I’ll work, you’ll do school stuff. We’ll have an afternoon adventure that might not mean getting in the car and going somewhere, but we will do SOMETHING. For the most part, life will remain the same.

That is what I thought. That is what I wanted.

Nope. That lasted MAYBE one hour on the first day. Then…I slowly had to let things go. There was no “working from home” for me. No “going to homeschool” for my five year old. Slowly, our afternoon adventures I planned became our plan everyday/all day.

And you know what? I did not hate it. I have started to enjoy the slower pace of our life. 

As we slowly go back to “normal” (I am able to get back in my office now, my daughter is able to go back to school, the zoo is open, we could even go to Target if I could get her to wear a mask), I am going to be very careful not to let old habits seep back in. 

During our time in isolation, we have made time for…

  1. Playing in the rain and looking for rainbows
  2. Going through the drive-thru for special treats
  3. Picnics
  4. Gardening
  5. Time in the inflatable pool/playing in sprinklers
  6. Baking/cooking
  7. Watching movies
  8. Screen time – some of it educational; some of it, not so much
  9. Safe play dates with our social bubble, visiting family 
  10. Reading

What COVID-19 has taught me is that I really need to focus on my child and my home.

Yes, I thought I was doing that before, I really did. But, when life comes to a stop and yet it still goes on…when you can make things work by doing them at home or in the morning before your child wakes up and everything is fine, you realize life keeps moving, even though you are not running around frantically from place to place.

Life is still happening, work is still getting done, but I am happier. My child is happier. It has been hard to stay at home and not live the busy active life we had before, but in a way, I am grateful for it. 

Have you enjoyed how life has slowed down during COVID-19?

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Valerie Byrd-Fort
Valerie Byrd Fort was born in Florida, but when she was four years old, her family moved to the midlands and never looked back. She is mom to Katy (human) and to Lucky, Mozzy, and Penny (rescue dogs). She is married to Marty Fort, owner of the Lexington School of Music, Columbia Arts Academy, and Irmo Music Academy. She is an Instructor for the School of Library & Information Science at the University of South Carolina, where she teaches Children’s Literature to future classroom teachers and librarians. She is also Coordinator for Cocky's Reading Express, the University of South Carolina's literacy outreach program. Valerie is passionate about books, literacy, libraries, and reading aloud with children of ALL ages. She writes about books and other literacy related topics on her blog, Library Goddess. In her free time, Valerie enjoys reading, Barre3, going to Target and endless scrolling of social media  


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