HELP! Where Do You Go For Parenting Advice?!?


Where do young moms go to get parenting advice these days?

Someone posed this question in a Facebook group last week, and I clicked “subscribe to notifications” quicker than a crawling toddler finds an open electric socket.

Full disclosure: My son, our only, is 15 years old, and I run from most anything that reeks of a best seller fad. By that, I mean that I run from appearing like I follow such, not that I run from being in the know. And by golly did I realize that I was OUT OF TOUCH all of a sudden. I couldn’t think of a single parenting book title (that didn’t begin with “What to Expect.”) 

OK, that is not true. I actually can remember the last books I read and liked on parenting. Thank goodness for Google, though, because my memory is not what it used to be! I had to google “French parenting book” to find Bringing Up Bebe and “Jewish parenting book” to find The Blessing of a Skinned Knee

Amazon helped me see that some gal named Emily Oster has become quite prolific these days. I love her titles and her book covers. Her goal – creating a world of more relaxed pregnant women and parents – shows how the emphasis on parenting changes from time to time. Is a successful child your intended product or are you the primary target here?

I’m ashamed to admit that Good Housekeeping’s 20 of the Best Parenting Books Worth Your Money in 2021 did not contain any familiar to me. (OK, except What to Expect that First Year, but I feel like it’s super different this edition.) But now that I know, I want to read them ALL! Especially this one that they snuck smack in the middle of their list:

Look, I want to let you in on a little secret. Books can be great – especially audio ones. Podcasts can be, too. Heck, a blog might be just the answer you’re looking for if you get lucky. (Hint, hint)

But, if you are like I was in the earliest days of mothering, then you know where you go to get the best parenting advice.

Friends. Good friends.

Friends who have a child the next age and stage up from yours.

Call one. Trust me.

Right now I’m remembering Sara who laughed in my ear when I called sobbing because my baby learned to stand up in the crib and now my putting my kid to sleep ritual was ruined. 

I’m remembering Beth who listened to me over breakfast at the local café when I told her my toddler was terrified of water and might be allergic to it. (Her brilliant suggestion: have you tried just not bathing him as often for a few weeks?)

I’m remembering Page who said my kindergartner was just going to be a leader one day when I was completely exasperated.

Friends give good advice. Great advice, actually. And, practical. Very practical. And that is exactly what we need sometimes. 

What about you? Do you have some favorite advice from a friend you’re willing to share? We’d even love to know which parenting book(s) you’ve read! 


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Melanie McGehee
Melanie McGehee never knew she wanted to be a mom. Even marriage caught her somewhat by surprise, in spite of the fact that she met husband Andy through a matchmaking service. She thanked eharmony by writing about that experience for an anthology, A Cup of Comfort for Women in Love. Almost two years to the day after marrying him, she stared at two pink lines and wondered aloud, “Is this okay?” His response, “Kind of late to be asking that now.” It was a bit late – in life. But at the advanced maternal age of 35, she delivered by surprise at 35 weeks and an emergency C-section, a healthy baby boy. Ian, like Melanie, is an only child. She’s written much about him during her years with the blog, but he’s now a teenager. Please, don’t do the math. It’s true. Momming in middle age is the best!


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